Location: Mumbai, Maharasthra, India

Lara Shankar has been a social worker and child-rights activist. She spent 8 years working with street children, designing campaigns to address issues concerning children and their rights and building citizen action for children. After completing her master’s in child development from Lady Irwin College, Delhi University, Lara has worked with several organizations, including Salaam Baalak Trust, Butterflies, Youthreach, Childline India Foundation and Child Rights and You (CRY) in Delhi and Mumbai. With a keen interest in writing she has worked with organisations like Saathi, Balprafulta and UNICEF on various process documentations. She now is a stay at home 'mom' and continues to think, question, research and write. Injustice towards children and women still move things up in her head and heart.

Saturday 18 November 2006

Unsooni - Unheard Voices

Unheard Voices is a book by Harsh Mander, that I read in the early years of my career. It influenced me a great deal and sensitized me to a world that I was not in touch with. It is a book that tells the lives of many deprived people in India - some who have run away from home, others who are abandoned, abused, ridiculed and still others who suffer humiliation.

I recently had the good fortune of experiencing these stories once again, albeit in a livelier medium. In Darpana's (Mallika Sarabhai's arts institution) theatrical rendition of these stories, each life truly comes alive.

The message that Darpana is trying to spread is that we all must be sensitive to the deprivation around us. And to do our bit in making a positive change. I however felt, that it was a good moment of talking about the rights of all human beings and fulfilling our responsibility of ensuring that each human being lives with dignity.

Find out more about Darpana and the production at their website.

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